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Health Declaration 健康申报表

Please fill out the following health declaration form in order to participate in our activity. Submissions are valid up to 24 hours prior to the activity.

请填写以下健康声明表,以参加我们的活动。 提交的活动在活动开始前的24小时内有效。
Are you experiencing any flu symptoms? 您是否有任何感冒症状?
Do you have travel records in the previous 14 days or plan to travel? 您是否有前14天的旅行记录或计划旅行?
Have you been vaccinated?
Have you been in close contact with anyone who has confirmed a COVID case recently? 您是否与最近确认COVID案件的任何人保持密切联系或接触?

Use your mouse or Finger to sign your signature您可使用手指或滑鼠签名

Thanks for submitting!

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