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Disclaimer : Please note the grant is given from Zoom Group Private Limited and it’s not with any form of grant from government.

请注意,课程津贴回扣是由 Zoom Group Private Limited 提供,与任何形式的政府津贴无关


​Kids Acting Grooming Course 儿童演员训练班 (7-12yrs)

语言 Language : (Mostly Chinese Included 2 lessons in English)

课数 No. of Lessons : 24 (8 x lessons per term,  total 3 terms)

人数 No. of Pax : 10 -12 kids

学费 Fee ​: $600 (usual price) LESS $200 grant $400 per term of 2 months

(Course duration is 3 terms)

(2 to join gets $50 discount per person per term)


Kids Hosting Grooming Course 儿童主持人训练班 (9-12yrs)

语言 Language : (English or Chinese)

课数 No. of Lessons : 16 (8 x lessons per term,  total 2 terms)

人数 No. of Pax : 10 -12 kids

学费 Fee ​: $600 (usual price) LESS $200 grant $400 per term of 2 months

(Course duration is 2 terms)

(2 to join gets $50 discount per person per term)


Kids Acting Course 小豆豆演艺班 (4-6yrs)

语言 Language : (Chinese)

课数 No. of Lessons : 12 (6 x lessons per term,  total 2 terms)

人数 No. of Pax : 8-10 kids

学费 Fee ​:  $475 (usual price) LESS $200 grant $275 per term of 1.5 months

(Course duration is 2 terms)

(2 to join gets $50 discount per person per course)


Teens Acting Course 青年演员训练班 (13-17yrs)

语言 Language : (Chinese)

课数 No. of Lessons : 16 (8 x lessons per term,  total 2 terms)

人数 No. of Pax : 10-12 students

学费 Fee ​: $600 (usual price) LESS $200 grant $400 per term of 2 months

(Course duration is 2 terms)

(2 to join gets $50 discount per person per term)

Teens Hosting Course 青年主持人训练班 (13-17yrs)

语言 Language : (Chinese)

课数 No. of Lessons : 16 (8 x lessons per term,  total 2 terms)

人数 No. of Pax : 10-12 students

学费 Fee ​: $600 (usual price) LESS $200 grant $400 per term of 2 months

(Course duration is 2 terms)

(2 to join gets $50 discount per person per term)


Adults Acting Course 成人专业演员训练班 (18-49yrs)

语言 Language : (Chinese)

课数 No. of Lessons : 16 (8 x lessons per term,  total 2 terms)

人数 No. of Pax : 10-12 students

学费 Fee :  $850 (usual price) LESS $250 grant $600 per term of 2 months

(Course duration is 2 terms)

(2 to join gets $50 discount per person per term)


Adults Hosting Course 成人专业主持人训练班 (18-49yrs)

语言 Language : (Bilingual) English and Chinese

课数 No. of Lessons : 16 (8 x lessons per term,  total 2 terms)

人数 No. of Pax : 10-12 students

学费 Fee : $850 (usual price) LESS $250 grant $600 per term of 2 months

(Course duration is 2 terms)

(2 to join gets $50 discount per person per term)

Singing Vocal Class 歌唱班 (Adults 18 years old and above)

语言 Language : (Bilingual) English and Chinese

课数 No. of Lessons : 4 Lessons only

人数 No. of Pax : 6 students only

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Seniors Acting Course 乐龄专业演员训练班 (50yrs & above)

语言 Language : Chinese

课数 No. of Lessons : 12 Lessons 

人数 No. of Pax : 10 students only

学费 Fee : $1000 (原价usual price)

扣除 LESS $500 乐龄津贴补助 Seniors grant = $500 per course (3个月课程)

(2 to join gets $50 discount per person per term)


Seniors Hosting Course 乐龄专业主持人训练班 (50yrs & above)

语言 Language : Chinese

课数 No. of Lessons : 12 Lessons 

人数 No. of Pax : 10 students only

学费 Fee : $1000 (原价usual price)

扣除 LESS $500 乐龄津贴补助 Seniors grant = $500 per course (3个月课程)

(2 to join gets $50 discount per person per term)

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